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Aulonocara nyassae "Mazinzi"

Probably Aulonocara nyassae can only be found in the southeastern arm of the lake and for the present only in Mazinzi Bay. They are mainly living there above the sandbottom where you can find them most of the times on the edge of the rocks that pass into the sandy bottom.

In the lake the males of these species can grow to 12 cm, in the aquarium however they can grow a little taller because of a good feeding. The males can then grow to about 14 cm, females grow to about 10 cm.

Aulonocara nyassae is searching the sand for food and lives mainly of the invertebrates they find in the sand. They are quietly hanging above the sandbottom and "listen" to the sand. When they "hear" their prey, they take a big bite of sand and jig this sand through their gills so that the invertebrates stay in their mouth. It`s a quiet, peaceful cichlid which can be hold best with other quiet species, mbuna are generally too aggresive.

In the aquarium they are comfortable with any food. They take everything they get offered, like spirulina pellets, mysis, artemia, cyclops and shrimp-peas mix.